05 Nov How to Find Good Employees in a Tough Market
In the last 10 years, finding good employees has become one of the most challenging aspects of running a business for many employers. Since COVID-19, the struggle has become even more prevalent.
The job market is competitive right now – many employers are hiring and there is a limited amount of people looking for work. According to the National Federation of Independent Business in March, 42% of business owners reported having job openings they could not fill. 91% of those business owners currently hiring could not find qualified candidates. And those numbers are growing.
There are a number of reasons for people choosing to not reenter the workforce – from not wanting to become vaccinated, receiving unemployment checks that pay more than a starting hourly wage, to not having childcare for schools that remain virtual. While the reasons may be valid in some cases, it makes things very difficult for businesses to remain open without any labor.
The key many employers need for finding people for their job openings is to sell the position and attract those looking for work.
How to Find Good Employees In a Tough Market
Sell the Position
Your recruiters are your best sales team. Even if you aren’t looking for someone for a certain position, you should always be recruiting and selling the position. Make a prospect list, create a strategy, and consistently work to attract your talent.
Talk to former employees, ask about referrals, and perhaps even convince them to come back on board. Identify talent and sell the job – don’t rely on a job posting to do the hard work for you. Many employers make the mistake of listing qualifications and requirements for the job and leaving it. In a competitive market, the job post needs to sell.
Write simply and clearly. Avoid jargon, buzzwords, and industry cliches. Provide details of the job responsibilities, a clear job title, and specify the salary range. Most quality candidates know their desired salary and will be more willing to apply for a job that is straightforward and transparent.
Showcase the Company Culture
When the market is competitive, quality employees know they have choices. The place of business is important – the culture is critical. When selling the position, sell the company. Show prospective employees how wonderful your company is and your company culture. Spotlight current employee’s testimonials on social media and your website. Make sure when potential employees look for information about your company, they find engaging, fun, and impressive information that draws them in. Build a reputation of being somewhere that people want to work.
Make Your Purpose Known
You may be surprised at how important your company’s purpose is to prospective employees. Attracting and retaining talent relies on their ability to connect with a business and know what they are doing is making a difference.
Conveying a well-defined purpose will ensure that your potential employees understand what you’re trying to accomplish. If someone buys into your purpose, drive, and goals, they will be much more likely to stay long-term. While it takes a lot to attract new employees, as soon as they see themselves as a part of something bigger, they will stay.
Hiring employees in a tough market is a challenge many businesses are faced with. These strategies will help you normalize your hiring process and attract high-quality employees.